David Edwards - guest speaker providing 
					talks for your school, club, business or society guest speaker / guide / geologist / university tutor
Great public speaker

"What a great guest speaker...haste ye back"

Feedback from talks

David Edwards, public speakerI have spoken for lecture societies, conferences, travel clubs, walking clubs, luncheon clubs, companies, travel fairs, expedition ships, adventure shows, arts festivals, universities and schools. I have been a guest speaker for clients such as the Royal Geographical Society, ICI, UBS bank, The Geographical Association, The University of Maine, The Alpine Club, The National Trust for Scotland, U3A, Radio 5 Live, Radio 4, the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, and the Royal Dublin Society.

(Reviews from schools here)

"It was a brilliant talk - good pictures, fascinating story, the audio really added to what we experienced and learnt. It was good to have your company again. The evening had all I look for when seeking speakers. You picked up on the audience's enjoyment and Chris and I have had superb feedback."
Joan Gaffiney, Speaker secretary, International Travel and Holidays Association (Hawaii talk)
"I wanted to write formally to thank you very much indeed for not only acting as a judge at the Festival of Postgraduate Research, but for your superb keynote speech at the award ceremony. Student presenters, academics, and external sponsors alike, have said how impressed they were with both the content and the delivery of your talk. To use the words of the Graduate Dean, your presentation was "exemplary". I know the brief had presented you with some challenges, but hearing your presentation on Friday made me realise just how much thought, hard work and commitment you had given it, and for all of that, I am incredibly grateful. Above all, just as it was back in 2000 when I first heard you present in Chester, it was your sheer passion and belief on Friday that once again left the greatest impression. My sincere thanks once again for contributing to the success of the Festival, and I hope that it's not another seven years before I have the pleasure of working with you again."
Elizabeth Newall, Postgraduate Events Manager, University of Leicester
"David’s talk at our Climate Change Conference was excellent. He made the technical side of climate change accessible for all. His talk was engaging and humorous and was the highlight of our conference. Thanks David."
Mo Galway, Senior School Standards Officer (Leadership Development Lead)
"I wanted to thank you for taking part in the event and for a really thought provoking talk. I think it took me a while to let it all sink in, but was still thinking about many of the points raised yesterday (and will continue to think on these!). Thank you so much. I spoke to quite a few people who had attended at the end of the day and there was very good feedback, everyone seemed to enjoy it, as well as being challenged by it - a good balance."
Amy Marletta, Projects Director, Upland
"Thank you for an excellent lecture on Our Energy Future. I did enjoy it and it was by far the best talk we have had in this season’s programme. I was also very pleased to see that there was a good turnout for your talk. The good turnout for your talk is encouraging as it showed that there is still a significant number of people interested in attending good quality talks."
Jeff Pattinson, Grange Lecture Society (2024)
"I'd like to thank you for a fascinating account of your time in the Grand Canyon National Park. We had an excellent attendance yesterday and I think you guessed how engaged everyone was from their responses and reaction to your talk. There have been requests for a return visit so I will be in contact again next year. The photography was great and the depth and breadth of your knowledge and experience was very evident. The lively delivery also adds to the presentation."
Pauline Hubbard, Worsall Ladies' Luncheon Club (2019)
"Thank you very much indeed for giving us such a good talk last night - I know that everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. I heard nothing but praise and enthusiasm afterwards together with demands for you to come again sometime! Your visual effects, knowledge, connection with the audience and sense of humour combined to give an excellent evening - you told us such a complete story about Pompeii. It was a far more wide ranging talk than I had anticipated, every aspect of which was fascinating. Your easy going manner made my job as organiser a pleasure and I thank you for that! I hope to see you again sometime if you are willing to come and tell us about Herculaneum."
Liz Turner, Friends of Ravenna, Chichester
"On behalf of our President and the members of Sheffield Women’s Lecture Club, thank you for your most informative and interesting talk yesterday. It was a superb thought-provoking way to get us all thinking about what environmental cost our lifestyles are making.It was so interesting to hear of your travels, studies and work you are doing. It was a delight to spend time with you. Members were very complimentary on the way out and I know enjoyed listening to you as much as we at the top table did. Many, many thanks for being with us and giving us such an enjoyable talk."
Daphne Cawthorn, Sheffield Women's Lecture Club (2019)
"We have had many excellent speakers come to our U3A and David is undoubtedly one of the best. David has a great talent for engaging the audience from the start with vivid and often humorous story telling which together with beautiful photography illustrates his adventures and experiences so well. His lecture entitled Surviving Montserrat describes the unique experience of a geologist unexpectedly being there for the eruption and the amazing events that followed. We will definitely have David back and look forward to one of his many other talks."
Elizabeth Formstone, Barnard Castle U3A
"Many thanks for a very thought provoking talk, well constructed and brilliantly delivered. It was most refreshing to hear a talk on ‘Our Energy Future’ covering all aspects of the energy debate presented in a completely unbiased way and leaving the audience to decide on the way forward. I thoroughly recommend this talk to other societies – it is a talk that everyone should hear! I hope you will be able to come back soon and give us another of your talks."
Jeff Pattison, Grange Lecture Society
"Thank you so much for another superb evening, the members were quick to record their enjoyment. The construction of the talk was superb, images were terrific, lots of variety, much information delivered in a stimulating way and...humour. I never fail to be impressed by your ability to pitch it 'just right' for us and realise you must do this for a very wide variety of audience types - a great (and time consuming) skill!"
Joan Gaffiney, Speaker secretary, International Travel and Holidays Association (Antarctic talk)
"Thank you for delivering such a fascinating and wide-ranging lecture last night. Your images of diverse volcanic activity were spectacular especially the lava lakes and it was so interesting to hear about the active geology continually changing the face and size of the islands and how the inhabitants deal with the vulnerability of their land from tsunamis. It was also interesting to be introduced to the human side of Hawaii, hear about the unusual language and to join some locals on a demonstration. What a treat to see the placard 'Make America Think Again'. A truly inspiring evening."
Rosie Spalding, Guildford Travel Club
"David is an excellent speaker – inspiring , informative, amusing, professional, enthusiastic and above all wonderfully engaging. The natural wonder of the world that is the Grand Canyon was described to us in fascinating detail. Without doubt he made those who had not yet had the privilege of visiting the area want to plan a trip to view its splendours without delay. The use of PowerPoint in his presentation was faultless, and his talk was exemplary in both its construction and delivery. We would have no hesitation in recommending David as a speaker to anyone who wishes to enjoy a comprehensive insight into what is a very special part of the world. We now look forward to welcoming David back in the future to talk to us about his experiences in Montserrat."
Sylvie Seymour, Chair, Jersey Ladies’ Literary Luncheon Club
“As I wrote up the talk I realised how much ground you covered, but you never lost the light touch that made it all digestible. I stood outside the Hall as members came out and heard only positive and enthusiastic reactions. Thank you very much for such a successful evening. The committee all agree with me that we should definitely ask you to return to Wells.”
Philippa Threlfall, Wells Evening Society
"I just wanted to thank you profusely again for giving us such an excellent talk on Tuesday evening. Everyone really did enjoy it very much. Your relaxed and confident manner, combined with excellent and interesting narrative explaining all the wonderful images, both still and moving, made for a very enjoyable and informative evening. I usually get a bit anxious before the start of each talk so I really appreciated feeling very relaxed about it all knowing we were in safe hands!"
Liz Turner, Friends of Ravenna, Chichester (Etna talk)
“My chosen subject was 'My Exploding World', a subject which many members may not have chosen. However, they were captivated. They found it fascinating and many questions followed. The presentation was professional and included beautiful slides and video. The feedback was unanimous in praising David. It is hoped we will be able to welcome David back in the not too distant future. ”
Adrianne Anderson, Cleveland Ladies Luncheon Club
“What can I say? You gave us a brilliant evening and I cannot thank you enough. I am sure that you gave great pleasure to all who were there. We enjoyed your tales and your slides and will look forward to welcoming you back sometime in the future.”
Celia Rust, Guildford Travel Club
"It was an excellent evening and I know the members greatly enjoyed your presentation. I hope we can keep in touch as I am sure members would very much like to have another visit from you, perhaps in 2012?"
Paul Spencer, The Abinger Eighty Club
"A brief note to thank you for what was a really splendid lecture. It was hugely informative to the NIMBYs and BANANAs amongst us (and I fear that there are many). What was so encouraging, was the comment of a lady in our audience, on her way out of the lecture-hall who said, "At last I was able to understand the differences of the various forms of energy, the extraction methods and the costs, in every sense of the word - a superb lecture." Need I say more? In particular, your highlighting of the inequalities between the West with our profligate use of energy and developing countries, who are struggling to achieve the bare minimum, is a way of us examining our collective conscience. "
Dr Win Sande, President (2015), Hull Literary and Philosophical Society
“Many thanks for your talk on Friday evening - a combination of literature and botany, geology and humour - it was much enjoyed by everyone and a great start to the season.”
Siobhan Ratchford, Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural history and Antiquarian Society
“We all greatly enjoyed your visit and excellent lecture. We have been having lecture series for a number of years but one of our members said to me after your lecture - 'this is the best we have had!' Our good wishes...”
David Morris, Richmond Civic Society
"I would like to thank you for coming to speak to our society. We believe you were one of the best we have had in a long time and you had the large audience in the palm of your hand from the beginning. Your pictures and commentary were first class. We will definitely have you back - the sooner the better."
Sue Fairchild, Programme Secretary, Sanderstead Literary Society
"Thank you for a brilliant evening last night - a superbly crafted talk, we learnt, we 'felt' the area, were entertained and came away stimulated and refreshed. I thought that the evening was the equivalent to 'a good walk out of doors' as you described. The images were beautiful and your ability to tell a story and handle an audience are a gift - no doubt worked at - but a gift."
Joan Gaffiney, Speaker secretary, International Travel and Holidays Association (Utah & Arizona talk)
"As we pay our speakers for their presentations, it is rare for me to write and thank them. In fact this is only the second occasion I have written in my ten-year tenure as programme secretary, and believe me, we've had some excellent speakers. An unprecedented number of our members commented to me on the all round excellence of your presentation. I feel sure it won't be long before we are welcoming you once again - the members will make sure of that!"
Ed Milius, Heaton Chapel Literary & Philosophical Society
"On behalf of the Lecture Series Committee, I would like to thank you very much for speaking at the RDS yesterday. We had the largest audience we have ever attracted for a travel lecture. I had some wonderful feedback on your talk from Members as they left the room, and have had calls from Members today telling me how much they enjoyed it. I look forward to inviting you back to the RDS in the future."
Brooke Beales, marketing manager, Royal Dublin Society
"Sincere thanks for last night and for another superb evening. Your images are excellent, dramatic and illustrate the story, not a series of images that are talked about! The talk was brilliantly constructed, with drama and delivered with drama! It certainly held the audience throughout and all comments were "Don't forget to ask him again". For me, travel is about experiencing a country and its people and history and having a 'feel' for a place; I certainly have a feel for Botswana and I haven't even been!"
Joan Gaffiney, Speaker secretary, International Travel and Holidays Association (Botswana talk)
"We greatly appreciated your talk - it was refreshingly unbiased, educational and put forward in a manner that lay people could understand. I know that many found it very thought provoking - issues I certainly hadn't connected to the energy dilemma! I think the questions could have gone on all night, judging by the interest aroused! Thank you again - hope we'll see you back in Stirling soon."
Katy Haddock, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Stirling committee)
"Just thought I'd let you know that 148 people attended your talk - by far our biggest audience this season and the biggest I can recall for a January meeting. I have spoken to many people since the talk and everyone was effusive in their praise for your presentation - I can't recollect such a positive reaction before. Like many, I rate your talk as one of the best if not the best in the 5 years I've being going to the RSGS.  I'm sure you will have been aware of people's reaction - the volume of the applause at the end was a strong indication of how much they had enjoyed the experience."
Tom Russell, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Dumfries committee)
"I write on behalf of the Derby Women's Luncheon Club to give our most sincere thanks for the excellent talk you gave us yesterday. I know that it was greatly enjoyed by those who have already visited the Grand Canyon, as well as by those of us who have never been, but whose appetite has now been well and truly whetted!
Your extremely interesting talk and superb photographs, encompassing so much information about the history, geology, geography and botany gave us a very full picture of the area, as well as a lot of practical information which will help those planning a visit."
Daphne Thornhill, Derby Women's Luncheon Club
"It was a privilege to hear such an experienced and professional speaker. He was so familiar with his subject that the whole place came alive, we were enthralled with the words and pictures and enthused with the desire to visit this spectacular and special place."
Mary Bratton, Barton Ladies Luncheon Club
"...your splendid talk on the Grand Canyon. There was a buzz of excitement from members afterwards and demands that we invite you back soon, which I hope to do. Your comprehensive presentation of the Grand Canyon, covering so many aspects, historical, environmental, geographical and personal experiences made for a fascinating evening. Very many thanks again."
Jacky Fox, The Bowdon Sixty Club
"Sincere thanks for a superb evening last night; everyone enjoyed it. The slides were good and some absolutely beautiful, the story was good and you are a born storyteller, being able to play and hold an audience so well. These are, I think, the prerequisites of a successful evening but grafted in amongst this was 'nitty gritty' geography so that we learnt much as well as being entertained."
Joan Gaffiney, International Travel and Holidays Association
"Thank you for your excellent presentation. Our patrons were impressed with your slides but most of all enthralled.”
Chris Norcliffe, Chesterfield Borough Council
"May I take this opportunity to thank you again for such an enjoyable and informative talk which for those who have already been, must have enriched their perspective; and for those of us who haven't as yet, moved it up the list of where to visit next!”
Liz Barron, Chester Literature Festival organiser
"For the second time, I must congratulate you on giving us a talk which was not only most professional in execution, but also put over controversial and key issues in a supremely measured way. All too often, those who climb on controversial platforms have their own axes to grind, but you avoid this and instead present the information in such a way that your audience can make their own minds up without any blast of heavily-loaded rhetoric from the speaker which may deliberately set out to distort or proselytise. I think the audience appreciated this today - they were very attentive and it was clear afterwards that many had gone away thinking in a very positive way about all the issues you raised - which was exactly what you'd intended! Your images were superb, beautifully chosen and with the added textual elements so slick, unlike so many speakers who overdo the text side of things on screen and bore the pants off one by so doing. Presentations so often fail because of this but yours are so finely tuned and balanced and always timed to perfection. We look forward to having you back amongst us - and many thanks again."
Margaret Wilkes, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Co-Chair Edinburgh Centre) 2011
"What an enjoyable time we had seeing your wonderful slides and bringing so much alive to us the time you spent at the Grand Canyon. So many people have approached me since to say how very much they enjoyed listening to you and saying it was a long time since we had had anyone as good as you in fact! Here's to the next time!”
Mrs E.H. Bell, Driffield Ladies Luncheon Club
"Your lecture was undoubtedly one of the best we have had this season, and we look forward eagerly to a return visit.”
Susan Holmes, Guildford Travel Club
"On behalf of the Council, Members and guests of the Institution, thank you for giving such a vivid and superbly illustrated talk. It was clear that you have developed an affinity for Montserrat and the people who live there. I hope that we can arrange another talk in the future.”
Peter Sanderson, Hon Sec, Grimsby Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
"...thank you for a first rate lecture - stimulating, extremely informative - covering so many aspects - and enhanced by your anecdotes and lovely humour. Haste ye back to Dundee, we did enjoy the evening with you.”
Mrs Joy Ingram, Royal Scottish Geographical Society
"We enjoy your idiosyncratic style which includes so many amusing as well as illustrating anecdotes and your own enthusiasm for place and subject matter transmits itself to the audience, engaging full attention......so many members commented on the excellent content of the lecture..."
Maureen McAuley, International Travel and Holidays Association
"This is just to say how thoroughly everyone again enjoyed your visit, and the President told me afterwards that a third visit had been requested. "
Elizabeth Bell, Driffield Ladies' Luncheon Club
"Congratulations on such a well constructed and entertaining talk. You certainly used your time well while working at the Grand Canyon, and your depth of knowledge of the area was one reason for the audience's enthusiastic response. We intend to invite you to return quite soon."
Peter Hadkins, Hon. Sec. Keswick Lecture Society
"Kathleen and I (and many others) thought it was a superb evening. We will be inviting you back very soon (i.e. in next season’s brochure) to do the Grand Canyon lecture.”
John Spawton, Wilmslow Guild
"You gave the Association a really superb evening."
Maureen McAuley, International Travel and Holidays Association
“Many thanks for a superb lecture which was both entertaining and informative. Everyone enjoyed it enormously. We discussed the possibility of you paying us a return visit next year to talk about your experiences on Montserrat. Would any of the following dates be convenient……”
Jeff Pattison, Grange Lecture Society (Grand Canyon talk)
“Thank you for another splendid talk which was much enjoyed by everyone. You certainly tell an excellent story with the right balance of humour and factual information and of course the wonderful slides helped.”
Jeff Pattison, Grange Lecture Society (Montserrat talk)
“Your talk was interesting and entertaining and I know our audience enjoyed it too as we have had terrific feedback from a lot of them. I am interested in your talk on Montserrat for a future booking……”
Cindy Hardy, Clacton & North East Essex Arts & Literary Society (Grand Canyon)
“The Grand Canyon in all its glory - told to us with absolute enthusiasm and insight into an extraordinary part of the world - without pause for well over an hour - and all the ladies still seated at the end absolutely enthralled !!...- the ladies were very appreciative and were still talking about you several days later - this I heard via our Health Club & Beauty Salon and from a speaker at another local group !! …”
Sheila Alblas, Grand Hotel Eastbourne
“Thank you so much for making the long haul to Sheffield on Wednesday and giving such a splendid talk to our club. Everyone enjoyed hearing you so much and I hope you enjoyed their enthusiasm! Regards and I really hope we will see you again talking about Montserrat.”
Margaret Kerry, Sheffield Women's Lecture Club
"Many thanks for last night's lecture - it was so well received by everyone I have spoken to since. No doubt we shall be entertaining you again and you us with another of your talks!"
Pam Wilkinson, President (2007), Hull Literary and Philosophical Society
“Thank you so much for a splendid lecture last night. The audience thoroughly enjoyed it and were keen to take part in the questions afterwards. Depending on your future programme, perhaps you would like to give us your Grand Canyon talk? How about October next year...”
Margaret Croston, Chester Society of Natural Science, Literature and Art
"On behalf of the committee and, indeed, everyone who attended your talk last evening, I write to thank you for a most interesting and thought provoking session. You raised a number of issues which require a lot of thought and no easy answers! Your presentation was very well put together, well delivered and held the audience's attention and interest throughout - no easy task. I hope you enjoyed your visit to our centre and we look forward to welcoming you back on a future occasion. "
Hazel Macfarlane, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Inverness committee)
"What I liked about your talk was the clarity with which you put over an extremely complex subject, first giving it a strong structure which broke it down into manageable chunks so that everyone could understand and everything made sense. Also you had just the right number of images and text in your presentation and a very good variety of just the right type so people could pick up the message quickly, had time to read or interpret them and therefore didn't get bored. There's so much misuse of PowerPoint in the lecturing and business world, and yours was a model of how to use it to best effect."
Margaret Wilkes, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Co-Chair Edinburgh Centre) 2009
"Just to thank you so much for your talk here last night. It was such a wonderful evening and everyone enjoyed it immensely. There were many other appreciative comments from the audience, in addition to our 'feedback' forms and we look forward to welcoming you to Alton Library again in the future."
Rosemary Hawkins, Hampshire Library Service
"Thank you very much for the interesting and entertaining talk on Wednesday. We have had lots of positive comments on the feedback forms. I will be happy to recommend you for other talks in Hampshire libraries and would be happy to see you here again for a different talk."
Lesley Cox, Hampshire Library Service
"I just wanted to thank you very much for coming to Petersfield last week to talk about the Grand Canyon. We all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. I hope we will be able to invite you back next year."
Julia Nelson-Tomsen, Hampshire Library Service
"Just to thank you for the excellent talk you gave last night at Chandlers Ford Library. As I said feedback from the audience was very positive, everyone enjoyed it."
Rose Ratcliffe, Service Development Librarian, Chandlers Ford Library
"...it was excellent. Clearly and interestingly presented, well researched and coherently put together. I doubt if anybody left the Council Chamber regretting their choice of what they had done with their evening.”
Richard Munday, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Inverness committee)
"I would like to thank you very much for your wonderful presentation on Botswana that you gave us last night. You filled the hall again, and I must tell you that as everyone was leaving, they all said that it was one of the best evenings we have had at the club. The juxtaposition of the account of your expedition and the great story of Sir Seretse Khama and Ruth gave everyone an insight into this fascinating country. There were also comments on your relaxed and entertaining delivery. Our members respond well to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the countries we visit through our talks, and the issues for Botswana that you highlighted last night certainly stimulated them all. We will not leave it too long before we are inviting you back for your fifth visit to us. Best wishes for your future travels."
Chris Buxton, Chairman, International Travel and Holidays Association
"On behalf of the Winding Wheel's lecture series, I would like to thank I for all the wonderful talks I have given us over the years. The talks are always informative as well as being entertaining. He is an engaging speaker and his talks always make a welcome addition to the Illustrated lecture programme. I always receive excellent feedback from patrons who attend his talks; his most recent talk with us on 'Botswana' gained particularly high praise from both new and regular patrons. I look forward to hearing more of his talks in the future."
Sarah Hodgson, Community Services Manager, Winding Wheel Concert and Exhibition Venue
"Just a brief note of thanks for providing us with such an excellent talk on energy matters at the University of Glasgow last Wednesday. Your eloquent contribution was in many ways the highlight (i.e. the best!) of our 2010/11 talks."
James Carson, OBE, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Glasgow committee)
"Thanks again for today – really enjoyed your talk. Keep us informed of any future expeditions!"
Stephen Harris, Managing Director, Polymorph Limited
"Thank you for a splendid lecture last night - a new experience covering all aspects of Botswana. The remarks as members left the auditorium: 'Splendid!', 'Superb', 'He must come again'. Please book us in again for the next season!!”
Canon George Salter, Cork Literary and Scientific Society
"Many thanks for your very interesting talk on Monday night - amusingly delivered and with super illustrations. A good start to our 129th season.”
John Jarvis, Darlington Lecture Association
"I would just like to thank you personally for entertaining and educating us so well last night. Everyone enjoyed your talk which helped in no small way to make our anniversary evening a success.”
Bill Golightly, Darlington CHA & HF Rambling Club
"David is a first class speaker on Geographical and Environmental subjects, with excellent delivery and laptop PowerPoint presentations. David has travelled widely and recorded what he has observed. His lectures are the result of meticulous research and are lucidly and interestingly delivered. David has lectured to our 200 member club on four occasions and all have been well received. We look forward to his lecture on Antarctica when ready. Highly recommended.”
Andrew Maw, Chairman, The Everyman Club of Great Grimsby
“I am writing on behalf of our Society to thank you for coming to Clacton Arts & Lits and giving us such an interesting and entertaining evening. I personally enjoyed it very much and I think I can say on behalf of all our members that they did to. I was also grateful that you were so patient meeting our committee and members, it was a pleasure to have you with us and I hope you enjoyed your time with us too. You are a natural public speaker with a relaxed and friendly presentation manner. Our audience of over 750 were enthralled throughout and have asked for a return visit.”
Cindy Hardy, Clacton & North East Essex Arts & Literary Society (Botswana, 2011)
"David's wilderness Canada talk was enthralling and very entertaining. We would definitely like him back again."
Sally Garner, Hampshire Library Service, Yateley
“I am writing to thank you on behalf of our Travel Club for the very interesting talk which you gave us last week. We always appreciate it when a Speaker delivers a lecture with such enthusiasm, especially with the fascinating geologic information which you delivered in such a way that made it such an enjoyable part of your talk. Accompanied by some stunning photos made it an evening to be remembered. Everyone I spoke to said how much they enjoyed your talk and it quite lived up to the expectations of all who came. I hope that you have another subject up you sleeve which I shall look forward to booking you for in the season of 2013/14.”
Celia Rust, Guildford Travel Club (New Zealand, 2011)
"Thank you for a wonderful evening, your talk was fascinating. All of our feedback forms have come in now, and all have circled the Excellent box. They all commented on how clearly you spoke and found the evening very interesting."
Marion Roberts, Hampshire Library Service, Bordon
"Thank you for giving us such a wonderful talk about your time in the Grand Canyon which you illustrated so well with fantastic slides. It brought back many happy memories for me and for many others I am sure. So many of our ladies said how much they enjoyed listening to you and hearing about someone who actually worked there.Your talk made a good start to our new year and I hope we will see you again in the future for another one of your talks."
Margaret Gannon, Hutton Rudby Ladies Luncheon Club
“Many thanks for your excellent and inspirational talk to our Society. It met all my expectations and I was particularly attracted to your description of how the pursuit of energy sources impinges on societies and nations as a whole. All too often we get over obsessed with local issues and individual technologies. The reaction from your audience was very positive and demonstrated the current interest in energy and environmental matters.”
Norman Ross, Wells Evening Society
"By popular demand, David returned to speak to our society. He gave a truly professional and interesting talk on Montserrat to our evening group in Surrey. Combining scientific information with humour he held the audience in the palm of his hand. Questions followed his talk and David was patience personified in dealing with them. He provided all his own digital equipment and was a pleasure to communicate with at all times, during the booking arrangements and on the night. We look forward to hearing him again in the future."
Frances Rosbotham, The Thirteen Society, Kingswood
"Thank you very much for a most interesting and enjoyable evening last night. Feedback has been very positive and, as Helen said, it was fascinating to see before, during and after eruptions. The questions from the floor indicated how much interest there was!"
Katy Haddock, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (Stirling committee)
“Thank you so much for another very interesting and enjoyable talk with superb illustrations of Montserrat. Your delivery was excellent with just the right amount of humour to keep our audience captivated. I had so many of our members giving positive feedback saying how much they had enjoyed the evening.”
Wendy Mitchell, Clacton & North East Essex Arts & Literary Society (Montserrat, 2015)
"Thank you so much for delivering such an interesting and informative presentation last night. Your photos were stunning. I particularly enjoyed seeing the amazing tree with its roots on display and the shots of Bryce Canyon, now definitely on my 'must do' list. The second part of your presentation, with it's more reflective angle, certainly gave me food for thought. Where is my own wilderness? An intriguing question I will be mulling over with friends. Thank you for raising such interesting thoughts.”
Rosie Spalding, Guildford Travel Club (Utah & Arizona, 2015)
"Our members enjoyed your lecture enormously. Do keep me informed about your plans and what you are offering in lectures as I am sure our society would like to hear you again.”
Margaret Cunningham, Darlington Lecture Association (2014)
"It was a real privilege to have you at our meeting last week. Your lecture was brilliant, and was, I know, enjoyed by all who were there. Those who inadvertently missed it were more than a little annoyed at themselves! Thank you so much for visiting us. We have a wide variety and range of speakers in the course of the year, but you will stand out as giving us concentrated information, entertainment, and above all absolute professionalism."
Julia Wright, Barnard Castle U3A
“Thank you for an excellent lecture yesterday evening. It was full of interesting information presented in a superb way and most enjoyable. I’m sure your talks get better each time you come!”
Jeff Pattison, Grange Lecture Society (Pompeii talk)
"Former Grand Canyon National Park Ranger, David Edwards got a number of straight 'A’s from the Ashridge Circle for his recent talk. Approbation, Appreciation, Accessibility and Audibility were all boxes to be ticked. David is a master of his subject and a most engaging speaker. David Edwards is a natural communicator and an enthusiast for his subject. Those who were privileged to hear him feel sure he will be invited back to Eastbourne quite soon. The very warm reception he received at the end of his talk seemed to indicate his engaging manner, superb slides and sense of humour were a real highlight of the season. He gave every appearance of being an ordinary chap, doing extraordinary things which is always fascinating and rewarding in a speaker.”
The Eastbourne Gazette
"David’s talk on Pompeii to the Thirteen Society was highly informative as well as entertaining. The excellent graphics allied to David’s lucid explanations meant that the audience left knowing much more about volcanic eruptions and their consequences for populations who choose to live close by. The talk went very well and everyone enjoyed it. People were impressed with the slides and video clips which came over very well. As on his previous visits he was excellent.”
The Thirteen Society, Kingswood (Pompeii, 2016)
"Thank you so much for delivering such an illuminating talk on Pompeii last night. The animation of the day of the eruption was absolutely fascinating and the Pathe News shots from the 1944 eruption were intriguing. I especially enjoyed the photo of the American servicemen making toast. Your insight into the restoration of the site was most interesting and we all enjoyed the artwork, both serious and light hearted. A truly wide ranging presentation.”
Rosie Spalding, Guildford Travel Club (Pompeii, 2016)
"Huge thanks for yet again giving us such a great talk. As I think you could judge for yourself everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and we had one of the “buzziest” evenings we have had for a while! I was so pleased to see so many people staying and chatting afterwards – we had to practically kick them out at the end! You had obviously put in many, many hours of work to put that talk together and it really paid off. I heard so many great comments, particularly on the photographs and you gave us many aspects of the Dolomites, geographical, geological, historical, tourism, mountaineering, walking etc.etc – something for everyone in a way. Wishing you all the very best and maybe one day you will have another talk for us up your sleeve?! "
Liz Turner, Friends of Ravenna, Chichester (Dolomites, 2022)
"Many thanks for a very interesting, and well received, talk yesterday. Please do let me know when you are planning your talks for next March as we would be delighted to include another of your talks in our schedule for next year."
Diana Heal, Goodworth Clatford village club (Montserrat, 2023)
"It was lovely to meet you again recently in Cork and on behalf of the Council and Members of the Cork Literary and Scientific Society, I would like to thank you very much for your recent lecture. Your presentation on Hawaii was fascinating - wide-ranging in content and giving a very interesting view of many aspect of why Hawaii exists and its historic and cultural heritage. I know that all of those present enjoyed the lecture which was both informative and entertaining. May I wish you well with your ongoing work and hopefully we will welcome you back to Cork on a future occasion!”
Alicia St. Leger, Cork Literary and Scientific Society
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